
Blackwell Bookshop

Oxford has good bookshops. Today's post is about one of them, Blackwell founded in 1889. 

The traditional style exterior is made of bricks. The interior is contemporary style. The shop has attractive English atmosphere.

In the shop, a skeleton sits. Why on earth skeleton?

【Rooted in Publication of Faculties' Books】

When I visited, a free guided tour about the shop was hold. I tried to participate.

I was guided to a office of the shop founder. The guide told us of the bookshop history. (As far as I understand,) Blackwell initially worked on the publication of books which were written by researchers at Oxford. From natural science to humanities, there has been a wide variety of areas. There has been surely much demand for publishing.

Blackwell publishes books written by researchers at Oxford. The books are bought by researcher s and students. Researchers are surely stimulated by the books, students also learn and develop their studies. Then they publish new books. The close relationship between the university and the bookstore...

It is the attractive to travel Oxford to feel the atmosphere of university town isn't it?
















私:Hi !

店員:Hi !

私:Americano Please.


店員:Black? or White?


私:Black Please.

店員A:OK. Blackarino one.





私:Thank you!

店員:Have a nice day!





Oxford: Town in the University?!

There is a town in the University of Oxford

This post is the report of the University of Oxford which is one of the world's leading universities and one of the world's oldest universities.

A Street of Oxford


By the way, the site of the University of Oxford does not mean that there is fixed certain area. If you visit Oxford, you cannot say 'Which is the university of Oxford?.' I think that image is different from universities in Japan. Universities in Japan have campuses in which there are buildings of faculties and libraries and so on. Unlike in the case of universities in Japan, Oxford does not have campuses. But there are a lot of buildings of the university, like colleges, libraries etc. 

For example, if you walk down the street, you can look restaurants and bookstores, next to "~~College", "~~ Church". A building seems to be an apartment, the sign in front of the apartment indicates "Institute of ~, The University of Oxford ".

Such universities as University of Oxford are called "College University College University is called ".This probably distinguishes the universities from universities in Japan. Incidentally, the university, such as universities in Japan, are called "Campus University."  (Of course, there are many campus universities in the UK.)


"there is a town in the university"
Both University of Oxford and the city have been developed. It is said that the beginning of University of Oxford dates back to the 13th century. Speaking in Japan, the age was the Kamakura period. Roughly, at that time, Daibutsu (a statue of Buddha) was built in KamakuraSince the teachers and students moved to this land from Paris in France, and the city and the university have developed together. 

It is said that the beginning of European universities is traced back the voluntary activities of research and education by teachers and students who love study. However, it may not work with the university and the city, some of the people of the university moved to another place and started a new research and educational activities. In so doing, universities spread throughout various parts of Europe.

From University of Paris, France to Oxford. From the University of Oxford to Cambridge...

And from complex relationship between the city and the university, it has been called "Town and Gown." Gown is clothe such as cloak. Gown is worn  by teachers and students at official events

From the next time, I want to up the posts focus on Oxford.







オックスフォードのような大学は、「カレッジ・ユニバーシティCollege University」と呼ばれます。 これは、日本の大学のような大学と区別するものと思われます。ちなみに、日本の大学のような大学は、「キャンパス・ユニバーシティCampus University」と呼ばれます。 (もちろんイギリスにもキャンパス・ユニバーシティはたくさんあります)


「大学の中に街がある」 というのも、オックスフォードは街と大学とがともに発展してきたからです。オックスフォード大学のはじまりは13世紀に遡ると言われています。日本でいえば、鎌倉時代。だいたい、鎌倉に大仏ができたころでしょうか。フランスのパリ大学の教師や学生らがこの地に移ってきて以来、大学と街とがともに発展してきたようです。






Kensington High Street

This article is about is Kensington High Street which is one of the streets of London,.

Fig. Kensington High Street

This street is not far from Hyde Park. Along this avenue, there are shops like UNIQLO and ZARA which are also familiar to Japanese people. Anyway, it is also written in Japanese "ユニクロ"(UNIQLO) in the UK.




写真 ケンジントン・ハイストリート



Hyde Park

This post is about Hyde Park where the people of London spend their time in relax.

Fig.1 Hyde Park 1

Fig. 2 Hyde Park 2

Fig. 3 Hyde Park 3
In the pond in Hyde Park, swans were swimming gracefully.

Fig. 4 Hyde Park 4

Over the Hyde Park, the plane was flying well. It may be due to relatively close to Heathrow Airport. In addition, from all over the world airplanes might be gathered in London, airplanes might fly to many parts of the world.

Fig. 5 Kensington Palace

Kensington Palace is of the royal family of England. Travelers can enter into the palace. In the grass around the palace, local people relaxed and students made merry.


写真1 ハイドパーク1

写真1 ハイドパーク2

写真3 ハイドパークの池1


写真4 ハイドパークの池4

ハイドパークの上空は、よく飛行機が飛んでいました。 ヒースロー空港に比較的近いせいかもしれませんね。世界中からロンドンに集まり、また、世界中へと旅立っていく飛行機たちでしょうか。

写真5 ケンジントン宮殿


The British Library

This post is about the British Library. Every book was published in the United Kingdom has been gathered to the British Library. Speaking in Japan, the National Diet Library takes the role.

The British Library

The British Library will be able to be entered by tourists freely. (However, If you want to enter Reading Room. You need special permission.) Entering the library with suite case is prohibited can, however, on the security, enters with a carry case is prohibited because of security concerns. Also, if you are carrying a rucksack, you will be checked the contents.

In the library, they have a little cafe, so you can focus on your study all day. Actually, when I visited the library, various people from high school and university students up to people of old age use the library.

Incidentally, the image of a person with a compass in the pages of the study of the British Council Web Site is located in the British Library.







Kings Cross Station

This time, I report on the King's Cross station which is the gateway to the north part of England from London. The station is next to St Pancras station. 

Fig. 1 King's Cross Station

Above is the station building of Kings Cross. Speaking of King's Cross station, the station is famous for its entrance to the line of 9 and 3/4 of the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately, I did not know where where is the line of 9 and 3/4. 

Now, when I entered into the Kings Cross Station ...

Fig. 2 King's Cross station 2

As St Pancras station, making it a very modern style. Purple light purple has been issued against the ceiling, is very beautiful.



写真1 キングス・クロス駅舎



写真2 キングス・クロス駅のなか


Select suitcase

This post is about the suitcase. Select point of suitcase, no matter how you look at it, is "strength" and "ease of use".

I use this suitcase in a week to 10 days of overseas travel. The price is 7,980 yen (£6,435) in amazon. co. jp.  The suitcase of this size may not be cheaper. However, usability is pretty good.

Fig. 1 Hard Carry Case with TSA Lock ABS + polycarbonate mirror more than 1 photo  is FWH-51C S size

5cm height of the hand have vertical horizontal 50cmx 35cmx machi 25cmx


This suitcase, in this size it is rare, has to be able to accommodate the hanger as well as a large suitcase. Is it safe when you have to get squid with a suit. 

Although it might be inconvenient to take a bus when you take the suitcase in Japan, there is no problem to use the bus or train movement with the suitcase because overseas such as the UK bus and train are designed spacious than those of Japan in general. 


And, what is needed to suitcase is heavy-duty. At the airport when you leave, when you receive, the suitcase will be damaged surely considerably. Although I have had a transit travel a few times, the suitcase has been not damaged. 

Moreover, I think overseas like Europe there are often cobbled streets. The streets are different from the street of Japan.Toughness will be required to the suitcase even in the cobbled streets.

Fig. 2 An alley of  London





写真1 超鏡面 ABS+ポリカボネート TSAロック付ハードキャリーケース FWH-51C Sサイズです








写真2 ロンドンのとある通り



The Way to Improve Your English Skills

This time, the post is about how to improve your English skills. English skills are indispensable to travel  English-speaking countries.  

I would like to introduce the way to improve listening skills while taking advantage of spare time.

##The difficulty of listening to English##

I think that listening is one of the weak section for most Japanese people. I was also weak. Although I think the reason is that there are several properties in English like voiceless sound (pronounced not subdued the throat at the sound of), or liaison (words and word is tacked together, the sound disappears) .

 ##Listening to Voiceless Sound and Liaison##

Measures to become to listen to these, the voiceless and liaison, you have to listen to audio while watching an English sentence. Alphabet every word or sentence appeared in does not mean to be pronounced as it is. You may also notice that when it becomes a sentence, is a unique pronunciation. I think these way, listening to English as watching the text, are suitable for a way  to know the characteristics of spoken English

##BBC podcast##

At the site of BBC, there is a podcast program of "6 Minutes English" and "English We Speak". Viewers are free of charge. You can either drop the contents to your i-phone or your i-pod and listen to the contents, you can also listen on the web. If you downroad the contents to your i-pod, you can practice English in some free time around the house, or riding the train. 

##The importance of the script##

 The most important thing to note here is to listen to the audio while looking at the script. Of course, looking at the script each and every time is hard to hear the voice. So we do not see in such a way that might make sense to look at the script while listening to it later, a voice was heard in advance nephew.




リスニングは日本人が苦手とするセクションの一つであると思います。私も苦手でした。その理由にはいくつかあると思いますが、英語特有の無声音の発音(t, pなどの音で喉をふるわせない発音)や、リエゾン(単語と単語がくっついてしまい、音が消える)があるからだと思います。




BBCのサイトに、"6 Minutes English" や"English We Speak" というpodcastの番組があります。視聴は無料です。自分のipodやiphoneにコンテンツを落として聞くこともできますし、ウェブ上で聞くこともできます。ipodに落とせば、家事をしたり、電車に乗ったり、ちょっとした空き時間に英語のリスニングを練習することができます。



Oyster card?

This time is a little extra edition. The post is about the London Underground. 

The United Kingdom has the following cards. The card is called "Oyster card . " Speaking of oysters, yes, oyster shell. However, this is not a card to buy oysters.This card is a prepaid card for riding the London Underground.

Fig, 1 Oyster Card

##Buy Oyster Card! ##

          I bought a Oyster Card at Heathrow International Airport, London. From Heathrow Airport, the Piccadilly subway line is running into the city of London.  (You travelers can buy the card without any problems.) I bought the card by the ticket vending machine at the Piccadilly line station under Heathrow Airport. 
          First, I did not know how can I buy the card. Then, a polite station employee who wear "UNDER GROUND" name plate told me how to buy the card. 

##Oyster Card## 

          The Oyster card is almost as same as SUICA card issued by JR Higashi-Nihon (East Japan Railway Company). It takes three pounds to purchase a card. If you rode the subway a few times, you could save the fare as same as the card. London Underground's zone is divided from 1 to 6 concentric zones. You can move in each zone, or move across the zones, rates have been determined by it. 

Oyster card deals 

          For example, it takes usually four pounds to move from a station up to a station within Zone 1. It takes usually 3.5 pounds to move from zone 2 to 4. If the exchange rate is 125 yen to the pound, 4 pounds are about 500 yen. And 3.5 pounds are about 440 yen. They are both not cheap. However, if you use an Oyster card,it takes 1.8 pounds (about 225 yen)  to move within the zone. The cost moving from zone 2 to zone 4 is significantly discounted, 1.3 pounds (about 162 yen). Riding on the subway a few times, you can get back the expense of the card. 

Smoothly in the Oyster card

 The merit of the card is not just it. In London, such as morning and evening rush hour, ticket vending machines is pretty crowded. But, if you have this card oyster, you are not bothered by every column of the vending machine. You can master the subway.

Fig. 2 The Riverside of Thames, with Oyster Card
A Ferris Wheel in the Distance is "London Eye "

Anyway, the card of JR East SUICA means water melon in Japanese. And the card of subway of London is the oyster means oyster shell. Both cards are named after the food, why. . .




写真1 オイスターカード


 私はこのカードを、ヒースロー空港で買いました。(旅行者も何の問題もなく買えます。)ヒースロー空港には、ロンドンの都心へ直接行くことのできるピカデリーラインという地下鉄が乗り入れています。そのピカデリーラインの駅改札の券売機で購入しました。はじめ、どんなふうに買えばいいのか、わからなかったのですが、「UNDER GROUND」(地下鉄)のネームプレートをつけた係の方が丁寧に教えてくれました。







写真2 オイスターカードでテムズ川へ 
